Sunday, August 23, 2009

I Dreamt Faceless Angel Again

The moment I noticed an average tall girl, clad in light but shiny green tego with deep red wonjo; beautifully walking by foot-path towards library, all alone, her right hand lifting her side of tsangtra kira by an inch or so; running her fingers over flowers, made me think I have found my 'Angel'.

I have my own definition of an Angel- my dream girl (as any one has it), and which I used to tell my friends when they ask about kind of girl I would love to have as a girl friend and future wife.

So, that very sight, yes, that womanly body language and sense of independence around her ignited an avalanche of feeling in me towards her.

I thought if she were really an Angel I have been looking for all these years, I had many things to share with her ... about my interests in books, paintings,films, secrets and many other stupid things under beautiful moonlight for ever and ever...

But I have not seen her face! That curiosity to discover her face made me follow her secretly.

She made her beautiful walk into the library. I eavesdropped her talking to her few girlfriends in husky but yet clear voice, which I craved for in my Angel. It made me happier and more determined to follow her, but I felt sorry if I were trespassing her. I could not help it, for I felt it was destined to happen!

Then she waded her way through crowd of students at the entrance into the main hall of the library quite beautifully in a courageous manner. I loved it. I have loved that kind of girl, which I called Angel, all in my own world.

Yet, I could not see her face. But I could smell her perfume and knew what kind of shampoo she had used for keeping her hair silky and long.

She climbed upstairs by the spiraling stair leading to the upper floor of the library, where books of arts, paintings and non-subject were kept- which was my favourite corner to visit the library for.

Yes, I and Angel had same interest. It made me more closer to her and it seemed to me that I had known her from ages.

She picked up few books. I could remember she took Da Vinci Code and a book on interior designing and a book of collection of short stories. Then, I was confirmed that we had huge similarity. As always adage says that birds of same feathers flock together, I thought that after I had known her and proposed to her, we would have the 'sweetest love life' in the college no one ever had it!

Her cell rang and I heard her answering the call with enourmous calmness in her voice and so was her outward personality.

That were what I was looking for in my Angel. and she had it. So was I determined to follow her though I could not still see her face!

She stepped out of the library. Instead of going for a lunch in the mess, she was directed towards my favourite place- a lonesome ground among the woods where there was old ramshackled Bhutanese house, one km away from the college campus. It made me more curious as well as interested in her.

I feared her that whether she knew me or not for that place was rendezvous since I visited most of the time when I had felt lonely.

Still, I followed her silently through the woods. As I hid in the woods, she sat on the ground backward to me. She gazed towards the sky for quiet a long time. Then she took out crayons and sketch pens and note pads from her hand bag. And she then started sketching.

Oh, my goodness I could not believed it that we had same interest. I fell head over heel in love with her!

While introspection whether to approach and talk to her, she picked up her things and started walking singing a song, which I could not exactly remember.

I kept following her. She walked more and more and so was I following her.

When I looked back, I had found that I was in very strange place walking by a stream near big rock cliff. But she was still walking.

At that moment, no sooner did down pour start, followed by thunder and lightening than pitch darkness set in. It became black dark. Except, I felt that she was still walking ahead of me.

I became afraid. So I did speed up to catch her. The moment I reached near her, she called my name so loud turning her head towards me and laughing thunderously that I ran backward as fast as I could.

Why did I ran back? Because she was face less and 'witch in angelic' form.

I was so tired and breathing of running so hard that I could hardly breath.

But I heard a quite familiar sound which seemed it was from a distant place but its intensity kept on increasing. I could not take it any more and shouted back.

I was waken up still feeling breathless and then I realised the sound was my alarm which disconnected me from my dream...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is the second time i dreamt the same dream...

  3. I hope your dream comes true. Hahaha...I don't know what to say about the story, but you are writing, that's more important. keep posting and I will keep on following it.

  4. Hello Penstar,
    I think so that one day the dream will turn into reality. But one day is not far away...

    Ok Man, I will keep on posting aricles whenever I can but you have to really comment on my article professionally, I demand from you lo.

    Else, keep on following my blog.

